Practice Areas

Wrongful Death

If you have recently lost a loved one, you may be wondering what to do next. One of the most important things you can do is to file a wrongful death claim. This can help ensure that the person responsible for your loved one’s death is held accountable.

Workplace Injuries

If you have been injured at work, it is important to understand your rights and options. An “on-the-job” injury is one that occurs at work or while performing tasks included in the scope of employment. The first 24 hours after an injury are the most critical.

18-Wheeler Accidents

If you’ve been in an 18-wheeler accident, you may be wondering when to hire an attorney. The answer to this question depends on the severity of your injuries and the extent of damage to your vehicle. If you have suffered any serious injuries, it is advisable to contact an attorney as soon as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to retain an attorney even if your injuries are minor. If there was significant damage done to your vehicle, or if the other driver was uninsured or at fault, you will likely need legal representation.

Product Liability

Defective products such as dangerous drugs, devices, toys, and electronics should be taken off the market. Our Houston product liability lawyers have represented consumers harmed by defective products and will recover maximum compensation for your damages.

Auto Defects

If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident, you may be wondering if you have a case against the manufacturer. Our Houston auto defect attorneys will magnify your case by finding the defects if any, allowing for you to be fairly compensated for your injuries.



If you’re injured in a car wreck, you may have questions and concerns about what to do next. Our skilled team is here to assist you. We focus on car accident cases and provide expert advice and support, ensuring you receive the proper care and compensation you need in this challenging situation.



Seeking justice for lives unjustly taken. Dedicated representation in wrongful death cases.


Fighting for your rights in workplace injury cases. Your partner in seeking great compensation.

18-Wheeler Accidents

Exposing every layer in 18-Wheeler accidents. Discovering all parties, securing your justice.

Auto Defects

Injured due to auto defects? Uniting technical know-how and legal expertise to uncover flaws.


If defective products like dangerous drugs, devices, toys, and electronics should be off the market, we make it happen.


Seriously injured in a car wreck? Our technical and legal team is here to help you.

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